Funeral service of Anssi Simojoki


Anssi Simojoki 7.9.1944 – 6.7.2020

Program of the funeral service and reception is located here

In loving memory of Dr Anssi Simojoki

Please join us for a memorial service celebrating the life of Dr Anssi Simojoki on Friday 31st July at 1 pm (UTC+3) at the new church in Uusikaupunki, Finland. The funeral will be streamed live on the Mission Diocese Youtube-channelähetyshiippakunta-lhpk or directly at

Instead of flowers, we ask that our father would be commemorated by supporting the reprint of Martin Luther’s On Christian Freedom in Swahili through Lutheran Heritage Foundation. Anssi was part of the original translation team and when he visited Kenya last October and found out the book was out of print, he strongly suggested that it would be reprinted. The book will be distributed all over East Africa.

You can support the reprint with the following information:
Receiver: Suomen luterilainen lähetystuki
Account: FI57 5410 0220 3884 28
Reference: 3340
You can also donate online The support will be wired in full amount to Lutheran Heritage Foundation who will oversee the printing, distribution and introduction of the book.

For USA (if you whish to donate straight to LHF)
Go to
Set Gift amount
Set destination to Kenya
Select “This gift is in honor, memory, or support of someone” and set to “In memory of”
Type “Anssi Simojoki”
Give payment details and click “Donate”

”I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the Lord.” Ps 118:17

You are all sincerely welcome!

Marja Simojoki
Martti and Hanna-Kaisa Simojoki
Tapani and Sarah Simojoki
Anna and Jussi-Pekka Rauha
Helena and Paul Simons
Tuomo and Leena Simojoki
Lassi and Suvi-Tuuli Simojoki

Siunaustilaisuuden ja muistojuhlan ohjelma – Program of the funeral service and reception

Yksityiskohtainen ohjelma pdf-tiedostona: Anssi Simojoen siunaustilaisuus ja muistojuhla
Detailed program in english as a pdf-file: Anssi Simojoki Funeral service and reception

Siunaustilaisuus – Funeral Service

Alkumusiikkia – Processional music
Ylösveisuu – Luterilaisia Virsiä 894 – Processional hymn – Up, up, my soul, and sing
Alkuvirsi – Vanha Suomalainen Virsikirja 410 – Hymn – In heavn’ above
Johdanto – Introduction
Rippi – Confession and Absolution
Rippisaarna – Confessional address
Yksinlaulu – Song
Epistola (1 Kor. 15:50–58) – Epistle (1 Cor. 15:50–58)
Psalmi (Ps. 118:15-25) – Psalm (Ps. 118:15-25)
Evankeliumi (Joh. 11:20–26) – Gospel (John 11:20–26)
Saarna – Sermon
Ruumissaarna – Funeral Sermon
Uskontunnustus – Apostle’s creed
Omaiset laskevat kukkalaitteen – The family place a bouquet by the casket
Ruumiinsiunaus – Committal
Rukous – Prayers
Isä meidän -rukous – The Lord’s Prayer
Herran siunaus – Benediction
Loppuvirsi – Virsikirja 320 – Hymn–Te Deum
Loppumusiikkia – Recessional music


Virsi – Virsikirja 270 – Hymn – I will sing my Maker’s praises
Puhe – Speech 
Musiikkiesitys – Musical performance
Puhe – Speech
Lauluesitys  –  Song performance
Puhe – Speech
Virsi – Luterilaisia Virsiä 897 – Hymn – With my own eyes in time I shall
Puhe – Speech
Loppuvirsi – Achrenius 155 – Hymn – God’s goodness so amazing

Muistotilaisuus päättyy – End of the reception.
Suora lähetys päättyy – Live Stream ends

Siirtyminen uudenkaupungin hautausmaalle – The funeral procession proceeds to the Uusikaupunki cemetery for the burial.

