Stefanos Lutheran congregation celebrating a service in Rovaniemi. Photo: Mika Koivisto
The year 2024 marked the twelfth year of operation for the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland. The Mission Diocese was founded on March 17, 2013. Its motto is “Divine Service for Life, the Congregation as Home.”
During 2024, the Mission Diocese’s services were held regularly in 50 locations. There were 44 organized congregations. One new congregation was established, and services began in two new locations.
The clergy collegium of the Mission Diocese consisted of 76 pastors, including Bishop Juhana Pohjola and the dean Joel Kerosuo.
In 2024, the congregations raised a total of approximately €1,880,000 in support. This represented an increase of nearly 10% compared to the previous year. Additionally, direct support was provided to specific fields of work. The normal operational deficit for the year was around €15,000.
At the end of 2024, the total membership of the congregations was 2,749. The number of members increased by approximately 6% from the previous year.
The Mission Diocese and the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Association of Finland (Seurakuntaliitto) recognized church fellowship. Bishop Juhana Pohjola and the chairman of the Congregation Association, Pastor Seppo Salo, signed the document confirming the recognition of church fellowship on February 15, 2024.
Leena and Tuomo Simojoki, who serve with the Lutheran Heritage Foundation, were called in the spring of 2024 as designated missionaries of the Mission Diocese. Their family was blessed for their journey in Seinäjoki on Ascension Day, May 9, and they moved to Kenya at the turn of July and August.